Automated Testing

Automated Testing Solutions enable businesses to streamline and optimize their testing processes by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. These solutions ensure comprehensive test coverage, consistent quality, and faster time-to-market, providing a reliable framework fo...

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Introduction Functional Testing?

Automated Testing Solutions enable businesses to streamline and optimize their testing processes by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. These solutions ensure comprehensive test coverage, consistent quality, and faster time-to-market, providing a reliable framework for continuous testing and quality assurance.


Navigating the Complexities of Automated Testing
Implementing automated testing solutions presents significant challenges, including selecting the right tools, integrating with existing systems, and maintaining test scripts. Divistant's Automated Testing Solutions are designed to address these challenges, providing a comprehensive framework for efficient and reliable automated testing.
Divistant's Approach
Our Automated Testing Solutions are crafted to overcome these challenges by offering robust automation tools, seamless integration, and continuous support. We provide the expertise and resources necessary to ensure successful implementation and management of automated testing processes. By partnering with Divistant, you gain access to solutions that not only address current testing challenges but also prepare your business for future growth and technological advancements.

Key Challenges

Tool Selection and Integration
Choosing the right automated testing tools and integrating them with existing development and testing environments is critical for success.
Maintaining Test Scripts
Ensuring that automated test scripts are maintained and updated to reflect changes in the software is essential for accurate and reliable testing.
Comprehensive Test Coverage
Achieving comprehensive test coverage across different types of tests and ensuring all critical functionalities are tested requires a strategic approach.
Managing Test Data
Creating and managing test data consistently across various environments is crucial for reliable test execution.
Skill Gaps and Training
Ensuring that teams have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use automated testing tools and practices requires comprehensive training and support.

Key Features

Unit Testing
Automate the testing of individual components or functions to ensure they work as intended in isolation.
Integration Testing
Test the interactions between integrated components to ensure they work together as expected.
Functional Testing
Validate the functionality of the software against the specified requirements to ensure it meets user needs.
End-to-End Testing
Simulate real user scenarios to test the entire application flow, from start to finish, ensuring overall system functionality.
Regression Testing
Automate the testing of previously developed and tested software to ensure new changes do not introduce new bugs.
Performance Testing
Conduct automated load, stress, and performance tests to ensure the application can handle expected user loads and perform well under stress.
Security Testing
Integrate automated security tests to identify and address vulnerabilities in the software.
Continuous Integration (CI) Integration
Integrate automated tests into the CI pipeline to ensure code changes are tested continuously and automatically.
Test Data Management
Automate the creation, management, and cleanup of test data to ensure consistent and reliable test environments.
Reporting and Analytics
Generate detailed test reports and analytics to provide insights into test results, coverage, and overall software quality.


Enhanced Operational Agility

Our solutions offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing businesses to rapidly adapt to changing testing requirements and market conditions. This agility is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in today's dynamic business environment.

Optimized Testing Processes

By leveraging automated testing tools and practices, we help businesses streamline their testing processes and improve efficiency. Our approach ensures that tests are comprehensive, consistent, and reliable.

Robust Performance Analytics

We prioritize data-driven decision-making with comprehensive analytics and customizable reporting tools. Our solutions provide actionable insights into testing outcomes, coverage, and overall software quality, enabling continuous improvement and optimization.

Seamless Integration and Interoperability

Divistant’s automated testing solutions are designed for seamless integration with your existing development and operations tools, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing disruptions. Our interoperable solutions facilitate effective communication and collaboration across teams.

Improved Security and Compliance

With integrated security testing and automated compliance checks, we ensure that your software is secure and compliant with industry regulations. This translates to improved data protection and reduced risk of non-compliance.

Scalable and Future-Proof Testing Frameworks

Our solutions are scalable and flexible, designed to grow with your business. We continuously integrate emerging technologies and best practices to keep your automated testing infrastructure future-proof and aligned with evolving industry trends.

Expert Support and Knowledge Transfer

Divistant offers more than just solutions; we provide ongoing support and expertise. Our team works closely with clients to transfer knowledge, ensuring your staff is well-equipped to manage and leverage automated testing practices effectively.

Customization to Fit Unique Business Needs

Understanding that each business has unique needs, we tailor our solutions to align precisely with your specific operational requirements, ensuring that the automated testing infrastructure serves your strategic business objectives.


Increased Test Coverage

Ensure comprehensive test coverage by automating a wide range of tests, reducing the risk of undetected issues.

Enhanced Quality and Reliability

Improve software quality and reliability by consistently executing tests and identifying defects early in the development process.

Faster Time-to-Market

Accelerate the development and release cycles by automating repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks.

Cost Savings

Reduce the costs associated with manual testing and defect resolution by automating testing processes and identifying issues early.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline testing processes with automation, reducing manual effort and enabling teams to focus on higher-value activities.

Improved Collaboration

Facilitate better collaboration between development, QA, and operations teams by integrating automated tests into the CI/CD pipeline.

Our Service for Automated Testing

Tailored Strategies to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Consulting & Advisory

Personalized guidance for customer needs. Recommended for clients seeking expert advice to define or refine their strategy.

  • Value-Based Pricing


Development, deployment and configuration of solutions. Recommended for businesses at any scale that need professional to develop, setup and configura...

  • Fixed Price
  • Time & Materials (T&M)

Maintenance Support

Ongoing updates, troubleshooting, and optimization. Recommended for Clients requiring regular maintenance and support, especially those without dedica...

  • Retainer

Managed Services

Complete management based solution needs. Recommended for Large enterprises or businesses looking to fully outsource their IT solutions.

  • Fixed Price
  • Monthly Subscription


Streamlined software acquisition, ensuring legal compliance and scalability for businesses.

  • Per-User
  • Per-Feature

Training and Workshops

Educational sessions on tech practices. Recommended for Teams seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in tech practices.

  • Fixed Price
  • Per-Session

Tech Expertises & Partners


Selected Portfolio

Tailored Strategies to Accelerate Digital Transformation

No portfolio is available

What Our Customer Say

Professionalism and Expertise. The IT consulting team showed exceptional professionalism and expertise, delivering tailored solutions and consistent support.

Alexis FooBar


Flexibility. They adapted to changing needs without compromising quality, crucial for project success.

Head of Engineer

Healthcare & Insurance Company

High-Quality Work. They consistently delivered high-quality solutions that exceeded our business needs.

Project Lead

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Industry Insights. Their deep experience and business knowledge ensured relevant, impactful solutions for our business.



Getting Started


Discover Divistant Solutions
Start by exploring our range of services on our website. Whether you're looking for Digital Transformation Solutions you'll find detailed information about how we can support your objectives.


Schedule a Consultation
Fill out our online contact form or reach out to us directly via email or phone to schedule a free consultation. During this session, we'll discuss your current challenges, goals, and the scope of potential digital solutions that fit your requiremen...


Strategic Planning Session
After the initial consultation, our team will conduct a more in-depth strategic planning session with your stakeholders. This involves a thorough analysis of your business processes, IT infrastructure, and specific needs to tailor a digital transfor...


Custom Solution Proposal
Based on the insights gathered, Divistant will craft a customized solution proposal. This document will outline the proposed strategy, technologies to be utilized, projected timelines, and a transparent pricing model.


Project Kick-off
Once the proposal is approved, we will kick off the project. You'll be assigned a dedicated project manager and team who will ensure smooth execution and constant communication throughout the project lifecycle.


Ongoing Support and Optimization
Our engagement doesn’t end with project delivery. Divistant provides continuous support and optimization services to ensure that the implemented solutions evolve with your business and continue to deliver value.

Boost Your Business with Divistant!

Get tailor-made solutions for your needs. Contact us for a free consultation.